lunedì 29 aprile 2019

Hungary - Earth Day

HUNGARY       Growing up in the 21st Century Europe

Earth Day  22nd April 2019

The basis of our existence is the preservation of the diversity of the wildlife We crowd the wildlife, overeat it and overdo it, this is indicated every year by the report of the Living Planet. Human intervention interferes with the existence of wildlife, including pollinating insects and plants, in the millennium balance of nature. Our food, more precisely the animal's food is responsible for 60% of the loss of biodiversity.
On this special day we took part in an organized program with the children, where we could gain experience about:

● the Moon and the Universe
● the wildlive in the forest, birds, insects living there
● what can the forests and woods give us, how to prtect them
● how to build a garden
● how to play with wooden toys of old ages
● the importance of protecting the ocean from plastic pollution
● art craft by using waste material

Hungary - World Water Day

HUNGARY       Growing up in the 21st Century Europe

World Water Day  22nd March 2019

We celebrated World Water Day on 22nd March by organizing a range of educational activities. Our children took a trip to the water system site where they could  see the process how the water gets into the tap. The overall aim was to help our children become more aware of the problems that some people face around the world, and what we may do as individuals to conserve water. Adults in the program highlighted that how lucky children in our town are to have unlimited access to clean water anytime, anywhere.
Water is treasure, we must save it!

Hungary - Composting and Planting

HUNGARY       Growing up in the 21st Century Europe

Composting and Planting

Composting raises Kids’ environmental awareness – Composting is a great way to raise kids’ awareness of the environment by teaching them how to reduce waste. Kids learn through direct experience that they can make a difference and have a positive effect on the environment. Composting also helps kids understand the three environmental r’s (recycle, reuse and reduce). Kids learn the difference between compost and what ends up in our landfill. They learn what waste can be used for composting. As kids get older, they learn about the impact of the three environmental r’s on the earth. You can turn collecting compostable waste into “seek and find” compost game or involve your kids in the kitchen by teaching them what kind of kitchen scraps to save for composting.


Visiting a local flower green house

Hungary - Waste Material Christmas

HUNGARY       Growing up in the 21st Century Europe
Christmas gifts from waste paper   December 2018
This year we decided to make Christmas presents for the parents by using waste paper material.  Our choice was not to spend money at all. Children asked the parents to bring egg trays to the kindergarten. All the other necessary stuff were found in our school.

martedì 23 aprile 2019

Hungary - Buy Nothing Day

HUNGARY       Growing up in the 21st Century Europe

Buy Nothing Day   Last Friday of November 2018

Buy Nothing Day is a green day that was first organized in Hungary in 2011. The goal of the day is to draw attention to the importance of conscious shopping and moderate consumption in countries where there is a problem of over-consumption. This day is a symbol: if we do not buy on the last Friday of November, we can indicate that we feel the current shopping habits are unsustainable. The great day also serves as a counterweight to the black Friday. In kindergarten, children can also be shown that a product or packaging is environmentally polluting and that durable, sustainable alternatives can be learned in a playful way.

Hungary - World Day of Animals

HUNGARY       Growing up in the 21st Century Europe

World Day of Animals  2nd October 2018

In our group, we set out to convey the values, knowledge, behaviors, and lifestyle habits that prepare our fledgling children to protect our natural, built and social societies. The success of environmental education depends primarily on the attitudes, attitudes and methods of educating children. Therefore, in our group, besides the traditional holidays, the so-called green holidays: World Day of Animals, World Water Day, Earth Day, Day of the Birds and Trees and World Environment Day have also played a significant role. On these prominent days, preschoolers can play through environmental competitions to develop environmental and environmentally sound mindsets, from which we can experience we are in nature.