Erasmus Mobilities

Virtual Mobility in UK 

Sixth Mobility in Greece 
dedicated to

Fourth Mobility in France
dedicated to 5 senses workshop

Third Mobility in Sardinia- Italy
dedicated to short-term exchange of group of students

Second Mobility ESTONIA
Learning Teaching Training Activities  
11-16 March 2019
Kohtla Jarve kindergarten "Tuhkatriinu"

Master class
 The Town Hall 
Underground Mining excursion

Vallaste waterfall

Pühtitsa Convent

Kohtla- Järve Biopuhastus
(water system)

Iisaku Nature Centre

Galà Dinner

First Mobility ITALY
Learning Teaching Training Activities
26th 29th November 2018

Visiting Porto Corallo tower and seafront: area that needs to be valorized

Exhibition of the first 15 classified projects of the "Vivi Villaputzu" international competition
Expected interventions with low environmental impact for a better exploitation of the beaches and other tourist sites.

Villaputzu  Kindegarten
Presentation of a piece of furniture for the transformation of domestic organic waste into humus through the earthworm

Kindegarten recycling workshop

Laguna Santa Gilla
water treatment plant workshop

Presentation of the protected marine area

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